Research has shown that the number one fear of many people is "public speaking" . The fear of public speaking. WOW! Why are many people scared of standing in front of an audience and speak? People have their own reasons.
Well fear not, the following are some of the things I do or prepare for when I am asked to speak to an audience.
Plan what you will be talking about to the audience.
Research on what you will be talking about and write it down on flash cards (we will discuss on the importance of flash cards later on)
Practice with a friend or in front of the mirror how you will be delivering your message to the audience. REMEMBER: Practice makes perfect
Finally, the last step is to present. When on stage, these are the following things you must do when you feel nervous,
- Look over the heads of the audience when speaking (I don't do that anymore as I came to understand that eye contact is very important - we'll discuss that later on too) But for you as a novice speaker, look over the audience if you are too nervous looking into their eyes
- Have your flash cards with you on stage so that whenever you forget a certain point, you can always refer to the flash cards to remind you what to say next so that you don't miss out anything